Check out this cool site on the net....
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
It is quite a sad day for us today as Vina's dad are being burried today. We trust however that he is with the Lord. We find Him comforting today as he says in Scripture we must always be joyful and serve Him with gladness and even though it is hard, it is not impossible so we choose to do that.
We are busy with medical training as well as phonetics. The phonetics is quite easy but we (sfrikaans speakers) struggle with the different i sounds. Our vowels are differently pronounced as the phonetics pronounce them.
The medical is not hard as I think in SA we have quite a lot of medical knowledge as we deal a bit more with medical issues than in the rest of Europe. The reason for that I think is that the average houselhold has so much more to do with medical as we are open to so much more illnesses than in the rest of Europe and I thnik one of the reasons for that is our weather.
We find the course so interesting and enjoy every second of it.
We are busy with medical training as well as phonetics. The phonetics is quite easy but we (sfrikaans speakers) struggle with the different i sounds. Our vowels are differently pronounced as the phonetics pronounce them.
The medical is not hard as I think in SA we have quite a lot of medical knowledge as we deal a bit more with medical issues than in the rest of Europe. The reason for that I think is that the average houselhold has so much more to do with medical as we are open to so much more illnesses than in the rest of Europe and I thnik one of the reasons for that is our weather.
We find the course so interesting and enjoy every second of it.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Sad news
It is sad for us to say but Vina's dad passed away Saturday afternoon and we believe he is with the Lord now. My mom took good care of him and for that we want to thank her. She did a wonderfull job. He was 76 years old and had a long life. Thank you to all that had a part in his life and helped with the organising of the funeral. Thank you mom for handling everything so well.
Vina is doing well. She is still sad but also thankful to the Lord for taking him home and relief him from the sufferings he had.
Vina is doing well. She is still sad but also thankful to the Lord for taking him home and relief him from the sufferings he had.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Back from Woodlands
This was such a nice time we had in the Woodlands what is called survival camp but I think it is more survive WELL. It was time of great fellowship and just being close to nature and close to what God created so perfect and well. It was also great to learn so much of the land in England and how different it is to South Africa. I missed the kids after the third night. I think we were all so glad to see each other after the four days. We had good weather as well, it only rained twice and not much as well. My shelter held the rain out quite good and I did not get to wet. Photos on the photos link.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Back again
We had a wonderfull 5 weeks in South Africa with friends and family. We were blessed to see so many Ministers from different churches and had a lot of good food again. Thank you to all that had part in our visit and catered for us while we were in SA. We are glad to be back again as well as we missed our friends back in the UK as well. We start our course again 5 Spetember and we are looking forward to that. God bless and thank you for all your prayers.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Another year done and dusted. Thanks to our heavenly Father for all His blessings we received during the past year. We are going on holiday for a while and will be back shortly. We have decided in prayer that we will go to the Philippines next year and would appreciate your prayers for that. On our photos page I have placed a few photos of tribal people there and if you would like to find out more, please e-mail us.
Thank you for all your prayers and letters and please dont stop as we need them. All our love and greetings. We will be in e-mail contac during this holiday.
Thank you for all your prayers and letters and please dont stop as we need them. All our love and greetings. We will be in e-mail contac during this holiday.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Another holiday done and dusted
Another break finnished. It was a well waited break after al the studies and assignments and tests that came to an end. We started the last two tearms before the end of our first year in the UK. We do miss SA and all our family and friends adn definately the warm weather. Patience, patience, patience is definately one of the areas the Lord is working with me at the moment. I do have a lot more and know that He can even equip me with lots more as when He prunes and gives afterwards, it is always in abundance. We are doing well with teh studies even if we did not study for so many years and now all of a sudden was thrown into the deep end and had to swim. With the Lord behind us, all things are possible and it is just another thing out of the many that He proves He is Righteouss and deliver His promisses.
Love to all of you and especially to those that support us in all areas even sending us an e-mail every now and then, please dont stop sending them. Here is our e-mail address again... en
In Him
Le Roux's
Love to all of you and especially to those that support us in all areas even sending us an e-mail every now and then, please dont stop sending them. Here is our e-mail address again... en
In Him
Le Roux's
Thursday, April 13, 2006
A wonderfull day out
We are so fortunate to have met South African friends in the UK. Charmaine and Berto immigrated to the UK four years ago and is helping us a lot to find our feet in this different country. Different in a few ways as we are different to the Brittish. Charmaine invieted us to a place called Rand Farm Park. It is as the name says, an animal farm. This was the best day the kids enjoyed since we arrived in the UK. Charmane have 2 kids and the oldest is almost Valerie-Anne's age. They play nicely together and enjoyed the day out. Valerie-Anne was so brave as she fed even the big horse. It costed a lot of guts and she did not want to know anything but as kids usually do, they sort out fears on their own. With Charmaines daughter with Valerie-Anne, she had enough guts to feed the big horse and then it was all home runs. She could not stop feeding the animals. Angelique and Philip enjoyed holding the rabbits until the one scratched Angelique and before I knew it, the rabbit was on the floor (photo on our photo page).
We are really thankful for the friends we found in Berto and his wife and the much more braais we are going to have together. They were so kind as to offer their house for us to stay in over December when they go to the promissed land South Africa.
We are really thankful for the friends we found in Berto and his wife and the much more braais we are going to have together. They were so kind as to offer their house for us to stay in over December when they go to the promissed land South Africa.
Monday, March 13, 2006
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Al klaar in die koerant!!
Ons kerk hier in Engeland het 100 jaar oud geword. In SA brag ons met geboue van die 1800's en hier in Engeland met geboue 400 NC. Ons kerk is regtig oud. Hy het 'n saal en is baie eenvoudig. Met die kerk se 100 jaar wording, het die koerant mense fotos kom neem en ons was toe ook afgeneem. Ek sal die foto scan en dan byvoeg by hierdie berig. Ons het vandag 'n kinder doop bygewoon van mense van Holland af wat ook hier by NTM is. Dit was baie spesiaal gewees. Omdat dit 'n baptiste kerk is, het hulle die baba geseen en die ouers her hulle beloftes afgele. Dit was baie spesiaal. Osn kerk begin eers 10h45 in die oggend en die baptiste kerk was al 9h30 so ons is vroeg by die huis en kan bietjie rus.
Monday, March 06, 2006
Sneeu en son????
Net sodra ons dink hier kom die somer en so klein bietjie son, dan gebeur dit. Hier is die somer nie baie warmer as 10 grade celcius nie. Die son skyn nou en dit is 2 grade celcius 16h30. Wat ek eintlik wil se is dit is baie koud al skyn die son. Ons het gedink dit gaan warm wees op hierdie dag en toe gebeur dit. In die begin was die eerste sneeu baie aantreklik, die laast keer wat ons sneeu gesien het was in 1980 en toe nie baie nie. Ons het die laaste tyd meer sneeu gesien in Engeland as reen. Dit is nie meer snaaks vir ons om te sien dit sneeu nie. Boeta het gehuil want daar was sneeu op sy skoene, nie eers hy vind dit meer amuserend nie. Die dogters speel baie lekker in die sneeu en hulle is nog te dom om die koue te verstaan - so dink ek, ek kan nie aan 'n ander rede dink nie. Dankie Here ook vir hierdie ondervinding wat ons kinders kan beleef. Ons sal probeer bietjie sneeu saam vat SA toe maar ons belowe niks.....
Kyk terug
So nou en dan is dit vir my belangrik om net so rukkie stil te sit en terug te dink aan al die wonderlike dinge wat God vir my gedoen het en om Sy hand te sien en hoe Hy gewerk het in my lewe. Ons kan so besig raak met die werk van God en met Sy woord dat ons nooit werklik die krag van God ervaar nie. Ek bind Romeine die laaste tyd baie met my lewe en wat met my gebeur en dit is vir my merkwaardig om te sien hoe die Here vir ons regverdigheid leer deur geloof en deur Paulus se lewe vir my die verskillende beginsels van sonde te leer en die grootste beginsel wat sterker is as die magtige sonde wat hom in wortel al afgerek het en dit is Jesus Christus nie net Sy kruisiging nie maar my lewe saam met Hom en Sy opstanding. Ek is regverdig in Christus. Dit is lekker om elke dag te lewe en te weet dat Christus het klaar met my verlede en toekomstige sondes afgereken. PRYS SY GROTE NAAM!!!!
Monday, February 27, 2006
Break time
What a lovely time we had to relax for one week and just to reflect on the last six weeks. Before we came it seemed so nice with all the breaks we would have. During this course when we get to the break time, it is well worth waiting for it and we all need it!!! It is a lot of studies and we hardly have time for ourselves. We are back at into the nick of things and busy with the hard work again. We eventually finnished Romans 7 and started with Romans 8!! If you have done some studies in Romans, you would undertsand what I meant..... It has just been another wonderfull walk with the Lord and he showed us tremendeous things in our lifes.
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